Tuesday, November 30, 2010


In the midst of cuddle season, I find a significant amount of people around me to be single. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this but what bugs me is the seeping sense of desperation I get from some of the single ladies I choose to surround myself with. So ladies, this one is for you.
The second wave of the women’s liberation movement started 50 years ago but was left unfinished. We’ve somehow worked to break the feminine mystique, but we can’t shake the feeling that we NEED a boy to keep us sane. There’s something about a break-up that leaves some girls completely.. crazy. Yeah. Sorry, there’s no better word for it.
I can say from experience that some girls who’s company I enjoy have seemed to go completely nuts. It seems like without a man by their side, they’ve lost themselves, gone against their morals, chased impossible men, made uncalculated risks, etc. Things they would have never done while with their ex-idiot.
I know the feeling. You’re lost, you need love, you feel like you don’t know who you are.. we’ve all gone through it before but I think we are at an age where we can grow up and be aware of the fact that we are loved, and we are fun, beautiful, wonderful people and we don't need some stupid boy to verify that.
So ladies, have fun. Drink with your girls until the sun comes up, focus on yourself, date around (but DON’T go after boys that are taken, especially your friends boyfriend), and if that boy you are talking to doesn’t hit you up to say goodnight, shake it off. If he disagrees with something you do, fuck him. It’s not that serious anyway. And you deserve better.
xx, loveLC

Thursday, November 18, 2010

a timely update.

This past weekend I finally discovered that little stats button on my dashboard. I was surprised to see how many views I got and where they were coming from.

Wow. Thank you to all who read my blog. I don't know why, but you all keep tuning in to read about my life. I personally don't think my writing is that interesting, or my pictures that great, but I guess the numbers speak for themselves. Whether you enjoy reading about my life or hate my face enough to lurk, whether you just happened to come across La Joie De Vivre or you are a regular reader, it is so humbling to know that so many people visit everyday.

I just want to say thanks. Thanks to the Netherlands, UK, Canada, Japan, Brazil, Belguim.. This is your shout out. Thank you for motivating me. 

This little blogging community of ours, we can't call ourselves successful without our readers. I want to take a second to promote my friend Daniel's new blog, Take Your Shirt Off. He's a great writer, and a passionate music lover. If your into dubstep and all that body wobbling, mind fucking music, this is the blog for you. I hope he gets as much support as all you lovely people have given me. 

xoxo, LC

Sunday, November 14, 2010


11 November 2010: Me and Stef brave the cold streets of Los Angeles for the monthly Art Walk. Scouting. My first real trip with my new camera. If you haven't noticed by now, I have an obsession with depth of field.

This kid was about seven or eight years old. So cute. When/if I have kids I'm going to fully support them in anything thy want to do or try.

I love live art.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Obama's Speech at USC

22 October 2010: Thousands of people lined up for five hours to watch Obama speak for about.. 20 minutes. Good times.

Suffering from Obama stroke. The result of standing for five hours straight in the sun. Joy.

A protester who was screaming about abortions, the good of God and free speech.

Eager beavers.

Despite running around in impossible humidity with a sweater on, I had fun. Met some cool ass people, including a photographer who has the original negatives from when he shot Jimi Hendrix. Obama's speech was.. Obama. I don't know how to describe it. He's a great speaker with incredible charm. It was amazing to get to hear the president speak, even though I couldn't see his face due to a teleprompter in the way -_-

xx, loveLC

JACC Weekend

15-16 October 2010: The Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) had a conference at CSUF. Basically a way for journalism majors to network and attend workshops to learn more bout their craft and compete in contests. I got honorable mention in the Sports Photo.

Obviously, I was super excited. See the photo at photoblogandjunk.blogspot.com

Some pics from CSUF and the conference:

I got to experience glass blowing first hand!

My feature photo entry:

I want to try it one day. But knowing my friends, I'll probably just end up making a bunch of bongs.

A couple of my other choices for the Sports Photo Competition:

I love Talon Marks!

At the awards ceremony. We're hopeful haha.

Can't wait for spring when we get to go to Sacramento!

xx, loveLC