Friday, October 9, 2009

welcome to rehab.

Lately my mind has been on constant ADD mode and I can't seem to focus on one thing long enough to fully understand or enjoy it. After searching long and hard for the source of this problem I've realized that the cause of my ADD is MY STUPID PHONE. Sheessh. If I ever thought getting an iPhone would lead me down this path, I would have stuck to my simple, lovable sony ericsson. I can't even enjoy even a nice fall breeze without hopping on my phone and telling everyone on FB and twitter. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my iPhone. Are you kidding me? Text messages, emails, GPS, contacts, music, internet, calendar, notes, facebook, aim, youtube, twitter & more? I could stay on my phone for hours. & I'll admit it. I'm an internet junkie. But I digress.

I have to recognize the difference between convenience and dependence. What is it about twitter and FB and AIM that I love so much? Status updates? Instant acknowledgement of my every thought? Maybe it's being able to keep up with everyone without actually being able to talk to them (thanks a lot school & work). Maybe it's a feeling of self importance. Maybe it's a little of everything. I just know I don't like being that person. That person who is always on their phone and fails to interact with what is actually going on around them. I want to enjoy my life.

It's all about perspective.

I remember the days when I had to wait until I got home to check my messages. When I made plans with friends wayyyyy ahead of time, because once I was out of the house no one can get in touch with me to meet up. When I checked my email only once a day because each of us was allowed only an hour on the computer. When I was able to have a nice long conversation with a friend to catch up, because he/she sincerely didn't know what I''ve been up to b/c he/she was not following me on twitter. The nice days when I actually enjoyed the company I was with, instead of seeing what everyone else was up to. Shit, does anyone still remember the slight nervousness you get when asking for someone's number? That's gone. Thanks to friend requests. We're all losing our social skills/graces.

My priorities first.

I barely get to see my friends. And when I do, I want to give them my undivided attention. Ever notice that one person in your group who's eyes are glued to their phone screen? That's not me (anymore!). I don't care if you know what I'm doing or not, because if you really cared, you'd pick up the phone to call.

No more fake relationships, no more twittering while driving home, no more hours on FB, no more procrastinating before doing homework. I'm taking it back. Internet. Once a day. Byeeeee worllddddd!

xx, loveLC

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